245 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Instrumen Penilaian Hasil Belajar Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Pada Siswa Kelas V Sekolah Dasar Inpres Loka Kabupaten Bantaeng

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui validitas dan realiabilitas instumen penilaian hasil belajar IPA dalam ranah kognitif dan psikomotorik, yang dikembangkan pada siswa kelas V SD Inpres Loka Kabupaten Bantaeng.Desain prosedur model pengembangan instrumen tes hasil belajar terdiri dari dua tahap, yaitu : tahap perancangan, dan tahap uji coba. Pendekatan penelitian adalah pengembangan dan penelitian. Subjek uji coba siswa kelas V SD Inpres Loka yang terdiri dari 30 orang siswa. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah lembar validasi, dan dokumentasi. Instrumen yang dihasilkan dalam penelitian ini adalah instrumen tes bentuk pilihan ganda dan intrumen bentuk unjuk kerja. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Hasil analisis validitas isimenunjukkan instrumen tes kognitif 0,90 dan instrumen tes psikomotorik 0,80. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa pada instrumen tes terdapat 2 butir tidak valid karena memiliki koefisien korelasi skor butir terhadap skor totalnya yang lebih kecil dari standar minimal 0,30 sehingga 48 butir soal dinyatakan valid secara empirik. Hasil uji reliabilitas instrumen tes unjuk kerja memiliki koefisien reliabilitas sebesar 0,78. Kata kunci : Pengembangan Instrumen, Hasil Belaja

    Pola Aktivitas Dan Keanekaragaman Belalang (Insecta: Orthoptera) Di Taman Naasional Gunung Ciremai, Kuningan, Jawa Barat

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    Pattern Activities and Diversity of Grasshopper (Insecta: Orthoptera) in Ciremai MountainNational Park, Kuningan, West Java. The grasshoppers of the Gunung Ciremai National Park,based on collections in 2008 are reported. The grasshoppers were collected by transect methodin three locations: Seda (508 m asl), Palutungan (1076 m dpl) and Cilengkrang (1143 m asl). Atotal, thirty three species of grasshoppers were recognized. The numbers of species/diversityindex Shanon are: 25/2.99, Palutungan 18/2.60, and Cilengkrang 13 species/2.46. The highestactivity of Ciremai grasshoppers was between 11.00-12.00 pm. The Erianthus sp was newrecord from Java, whereas Oxya spp.and Catantops (Acridiidae) spp were only found onSeda. Bibracte sp.(Acridiidae) and Paratrigonidium faseocinctum (Gryllidae) were only foundon Cilengkrang, whereas Oxyrrhepes obtusa (Acridiidae) was only found on Palutungan.Species similarity on location, observation time, activity, and habitat of each grasshopper arediscussed

    Upaya Peningkatan Aktivitas Belajar Sejarah Siswa Melalui Pembelajaran Cocoperatif Learning Tipe Snowball Throwing di Kelas XI IPS 3 SMA Negeri 1 Pasaman

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    Based on observation in field students are less active learning history, they are lazy to do assignment, after getting out the class, sometimes even fall a sleep whily studying. Those have an imfact on their learning out comes which are not maximum or lower. The low comes student learning are caused by some factors, one of them is improperly choosing learning method, which tend to be monotonous and learning is dominated by teachers only. The aims of this research is to know, how far cooperative learning snowball throwing type can improve students learning activity in history lesson. The type of research is action class at XI IPS 3 class SMAN 1 Pasaman. The implementation consist of 2 cycles are planning, implementation, observation  and reflection. Techniques data analysis is carried out using the formale techniques proportion by Sudjana. Success indicators are determined by Ari kunto refence and studien`s negative activite is determined by slameto refrence. Result of the analysis first cycle and second cycle show students learning active ty has increased for all indicators that is actively discussing (good 56,1 %), responding questions (good 56,3%), questioning  based on material (good 68,7 %), cooperation on group (good 61,8%)  and taking conclusion (good 65%), while negative activites are decrease such as less aftention (good 6,5 %), distributing of friends (good 0,0%) and frequently ask permission (good 0,0%). Increasing student learning out comes is also good in the first cycle, averagevalue 76,3 (classical competences 68 %) and the second cycle average value 8,2 (classical   85%). There was increase 6,07 for student learning out comes and 17  percentage master learning classically. The result of the research learning model through Cooperative learning Snowball throwing type can increase student learning activities in history class at XI IPS3 student SMAN I  Pasaman. So this method can applied as aneffort to increase student learning activities, because there is no methods most superior from the existing method, each of them has weaknesses and advantages


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    The purpose of this study is to illustrate that the thinking or concept of teachings adopted and applied Ibadhiyah, one of the sects of the Khawarij sect, is moderate. So that his teachings and followers still exist today in some Muslim countries. They have a high attitude of tolerance towards fellow Muslims of different sects and sects. On the other hand, the sects in the sphere of the other Kharijites which are extreme in thought and action are extinct, no longer have followers.  At first, the Khawarij follower’s are Ckhalif ‘Ali bin Abi Thalib group. End then, they go out from ‘Ali group, becauce they  weren’t except this reconcillied  (tahkim) in Shiffin war between Khalif Ali and Guvernor Mu’awiyah bin Abi Syufyan 37H/657 M. They were against Chalif ‘Ali and Mu’awiyah, and emigrate to a village is colled  “Harura”. In this village they were created self-government led by ‘Abdullah ibn Wahhab al-Hasibi. They were againt ‘Ali, Mu’awiyah, and some ckhalif after them. Then Khawarij Follower’s were spilit into several sects. The biggest sect’s: Muhakkimah, Azariqah, Najdah, Ajaridah, Syufriyah, and Ibadhiyah. Such of sect slip up to several sub-setc until twenty.  All sects were extinct, except Ibadhiyah.  Becauce they were smothered by legitimate Government. They have extreme thought. They carried out takfir and were a sourse of insurrection against the Goverment for centuries.  The Ibadhiyah sect were moderate in thought and action. The Ibadhiyah sect exist until now in Sultanate of Oman. It’s majority  and state sect in Oman. It spread  in Nort  Africa (Aljazair, Tunisia, and Libia) and East Africa. Follower Ibadhiyah sect there in in Yemen and Madagascar.  Keywords:  Ibadhiyah, History, Thought


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    One of the laws that is classified as contemporary in the Islamic world is with respect to mandatory wills. Namely the will which the implementation is not influenced or not depends on the willingness or will of the deceased. Testament in this form applies automatically, whether spoken or not spoken, whether desired or not desired by the person who died during his lifetime. The method applied in this writing is a comparative method, namely by comparing the laws and provisions of mandatory wills applied in Indonesia with those prevailing in other Muslim countries. The result is a difference in the application of mandatory testament objects. In Indonesia a compulsory testament applies between foster parents and adopted children or vice versa. Whereas in other Muslim countries, this applies between grandfather and cuccus whose parents have died first


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    Kemacetan Lalu Lintas yang menjadi permasalahan besar bagi masyarakat, yang mana kemacetan ini disebabkan karena adanya penyempitan badan jalan contohnya terdapat di Pasar Cinde, adapun yang menjadi pertanyaan dalam Penelitian ini yaitu: 1) Bagaimana temuan Hukum Pidana Islam terhadap Ketentuan Berhenti dan Parkir Pengendara Kendaraan Bermotor dalam perspektif Hukum Pidana Islam? 2) Bagaimana analisis Ketentuan Berhenti dan Parkir Pengendara Kendaraan Bermotor?. Sedangkan tujuan dari penelitian ini : 1) Untuk mengetahui temuan Hukum Pidana Islam terhadap Ketentuan Berhenti dan Parkir Pengendara Kendaraan Bermotor dalam perspektif Hukum Pidana Islam 2) Untuk mengetahui analisis Ketentuan Berhenti dan Parkir Pengendara Kendaraan Bermotor. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini studi kepustakaan (library research), dan hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu: 1) Berdasarkan hasil temuan bahwa pelanggaran dari Lalu Lintas yakni Pelanggar Ketentuan Berhenti dan Parkir juga termasuk ke dalam Kealpaan (culpa) karena pelanggaran ini termasuk ke dalam kelalaian, 2) Analisis Ketentuan Berhenti dan Parkir Pengendara Kendaraan Bermotor termasuk ke dalam jarimah ta’zir yang secara jelas tidak disebutkan dalam nash. Kata Kunci : Ketentuan Berhenti dan Parkir, Pengendara, dan Kendaraan Bermoto

    Perbandingan Pakan Londok Pseudocalotes Tympanistriga (Squamata: Agamidae) Selama Musim Penghujan Dari Dua Tipe Habitat Di Gunung Ciremai, Jawa Barat

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    Telah dilakukan analisis isi lambung dari 64 spesimen koleksi Pseudocalotes tympanistriga (Squamata: Agamidae) yang dikoleksi saat musim penghujan (April 2006 dan Maret 2008) dari Gunung Ciremai, Jawa Barat. Terungkap bahwa pakan alami terdiri atas bermacam arthropoda kecil dan tidak terdapat unsur material tumbuhan. Terungkap pula bahwa populasi P. tympanistriga dari lokasi Arban hanya mengkonsumsi 12 macam mangsa sedangkan populasi dari lokasi Cigowong mengkonsumsi 22 macam mangsa. Perbedaan ini merupakan refleksi dari perbedaan tipe habitat antara kedua lokasi tersebut. Kedua populasi tersebut mempunyai kesamaan fenomena dalam hal tumpang tindih relung antar jenis kelamin maupun dengan betina bunting. Tidak adanya perbedaan yang signifikan antara proporsi ukuran tubuh (AGL/SVL) mungkin yang menyebabkan kesamaan dalam aktivitas mencari/berburu mangsa antar jenis kelamin maupun antara betina bunting dan non bunting

    CinQASE E-module: Its Effectiveness to Improve Senior High School Students’ Physics Learning Outcomes

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    One of the many digital technologies to actualize the digital learning environment is to provide e-modules based on collaboration in questioning, analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating (CinQASE) learning model. The main purpose of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of the CinQASE e-module to improve students' learning outcomes in 10th grade in several Senior High Schools in Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi Province. This study implemented design-based research with a three-group pretest-posttest design. 85 students in the 10th grade participated in this study. The research subjects consist of three classes. Each class will use the CinQASE e-modules with different concepts. These concepts were Work and Energy, Momentum and Impulse, and Circular Motion. The differences in learning outcomes will be tested and evaluated based on the t-test. The results of the data analysis showed the normalized gain in the medium category, and the differences in learning outcomes showed a significance level (0.000) < 0.05 for all classes. Consistently implementing the CinQASE e-module can improve physics learning outcomes for all class groups with Sig. (0.161) > 5%. Hence, the CinQASE e-module had the potential to be used in physics classrooms and improve senior high school students’ learning outcome
